Association of Accounting Technicians reduces gender pay gap from 13.7% to 4%

The Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) has reduced its gender pay gap from 13.7% to 4% since 2018. 

The AAT reported its gender pay gap for full- and part-time staff on data on 2 March 2020, in line with the government’s regulations and ahead of the submission deadline of 30 March 2020.

The regulations require organisations with 250 or more employees to publish the differences in mean and median hourly rates of pay for male and female full-time employees, the gap in mean and median bonus pay, the proportions of male and female employees awarded bonus pay, and the proportions of male and female staff in the lower, lower middle, upper middle and upper quartile pay bands.

For 2019, the AAT’s median pay gap stands at 5.5%, and it mean pay gap is 4%. In 2018, these figures stood at 14.8% and 13.7%, respectively.

In the lower quartile, the proportion of female employees in the lower pay quartile is 51.6%; in the lower m,iddle it is 50.8%, in the upper middle it is 54% and in the upper quartile it is 41.3%. The AAT has met the target set by the Women in Finance Charter, which it signed in November 2016, having 40% women on the senior management team, and also boasts a 50/50 split on its executive team.

For its next steps, the AAT aims to celebrate diversity through events set up by internal champions, as well as remain committed to flexible working and shared parental leave, as well as supporting employee wellbeing and work-life balance more broadly.

In the report, AAT stated: “AAT does not only wish to improve equality and diversity for its
own workforce, but is keen to set an example, and encourage organisations represented by our members to take action.

“Ways in which we will seek to support this over the coming year include: our public affairs team continues to champion change in this area, including calls to reduce the gender pay gap reporting thresholds to [organisations] employing more than 50 members of staff, instead of the current 250 level; we are encouraging AAT members to seek involvement in AAT’s Member Assembly, which represents AAT’s breadth and diversity, and gives them a voice on public policy issues such as gender pay, along with sector concerns; we will use our various content channels to share success stories from our female members, and showcasing the positive impact they are having on the accounting industry, as part of our focus on AAT’s 40th anniversary.”